
Showing posts from October, 2020

Die zusammanenfassung : "Nico's Weg"

      Synopsis:  There is a man name Nico, Nico is from Spain who wants to visit his aunt in German so he go to German. When he arrived at German, he lost his bag, his phone, his passport and he don't remember his aunt address ,he is alone and lost. Luckily there are a girl who name Emma and her Aunt who name Lisa they help Nico to find his bag and they give Nico a ride, in the car they teach Nico German Language.  At Gas Station, Lisa meet her freind, Max. Lisa tell Max that Nico has lost his bag at the airport, so Max suggest that Lisa must call his dad because his dad is a policeman and then Lisa call his dad to ask help to find Nico bag. At night Lisa take Nico to a party, in the party Nico make friends and meet many people from outside country and one of Lisa's friend Sebastian found Nico's aunt address. In the morning Lisa promised to Nico that she will help Nico to find his aunt address but first, she have a job so she go to work. Lisa is a teacher who teach german s

My Goal My Ambition

Hello! In this Blog I want to write about my goal and my Ambition. Nowdays I'm interested in majoring in law or psychology. Why I want to study Law is because I think If I study Law I can't be fooled easily and for psychology is because I want to help peope by listening or giving advice to them becuse I think that everyone have problems and we can be stress because of the problems.     There are so many ways to relieve stress, one way to relieve stress is to tell someone to listen or give advice on our problem but not everyone has someone to hear to their problem, so some people who don't have someone to hear their problem they relieve their stress by doing self-harm, that's why I want to help b ecause Self-Harm could harm themselves   a nd I want to be a succesfull person so my parents will be happy and becuse I want to have a nice and bright future. That's all for now, Thank you for read my blog and hope you like it!