
Showing posts from 2020

Die zusammanenfassung : "Nico's Weg"

      Synopsis:  There is a man name Nico, Nico is from Spain who wants to visit his aunt in German so he go to German. When he arrived at German, he lost his bag, his phone, his passport and he don't remember his aunt address ,he is alone and lost. Luckily there are a girl who name Emma and her Aunt who name Lisa they help Nico to find his bag and they give Nico a ride, in the car they teach Nico German Language.  At Gas Station, Lisa meet her freind, Max. Lisa tell Max that Nico has lost his bag at the airport, so Max suggest that Lisa must call his dad because his dad is a policeman and then Lisa call his dad to ask help to find Nico bag. At night Lisa take Nico to a party, in the party Nico make friends and meet many people from outside country and one of Lisa's friend Sebastian found Nico's aunt address. In the morning Lisa promised to Nico that she will help Nico to find his aunt address but first, she have a job so she go to work. Lisa is a teacher who teach german s

My Goal My Ambition

Hello! In this Blog I want to write about my goal and my Ambition. Nowdays I'm interested in majoring in law or psychology. Why I want to study Law is because I think If I study Law I can't be fooled easily and for psychology is because I want to help peope by listening or giving advice to them becuse I think that everyone have problems and we can be stress because of the problems.     There are so many ways to relieve stress, one way to relieve stress is to tell someone to listen or give advice on our problem but not everyone has someone to hear to their problem, so some people who don't have someone to hear their problem they relieve their stress by doing self-harm, that's why I want to help b ecause Self-Harm could harm themselves   a nd I want to be a succesfull person so my parents will be happy and becuse I want to have a nice and bright future. That's all for now, Thank you for read my blog and hope you like it!  
DIALOGUE SUGGESTION & OFFER  Theme: Independence Day           A: Hey! What are you doing?           B: Oh hey! I'm preparing for the independence day event in my housing complex           A: Oh, are you a committee for independence?           B: Yes, but I'm looking Ideas for this event           A: If you want, I can help you to find ideas for this event           B: Yes! Sure, Please help me!           A: How about having competition?           B: What competition?           A: poetry reading competitions, fashion shows, tug of war, cracker eating competitions and                       make up heroines competitions           B: Oh, wow that sound excellent Ideas! Thank you for helping me!           A: Okey, your welcome!
COVID - 19
BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI   The bombing in Hiroshima happened during world war 2 on August 6 and 9, 1945. During World War 2 Japan is one of influential country. Hiroshima and Nagasaki was cities that destroyed because of world war 2. The United states dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing up to 226.000 people and leaving thousands more horribly disfigured by burns and radiation sickness.   The Cause of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is because Japan attacked Pearl Harbour on 1941, with at least 353 jet-fighter, bomber aircraft, and torpedo jet by Japanese navy. It triggered ally to take revenge in 1945.   Hiroshima stands on a flat river delta, with few hills or natural features to limit the blast. The bomb was dropped on the city centre, an area crowded with wooden residential structures and places of business. These factors meant that the death toll and destruction in Hiroshima was particularly high. The fires
  "The sixth murder"    “Sir, I am a murderer.” She was trembling while saying this. She was sitting in our police station, opposite to my table. She was there to surrender herself. I was the in charge of the police station. She was a beautiful lady of about 22 or 23 years, had long hairs which were maintained really nicely, wearing pink shirt and dark blue jeans, had sunglasses on her eyes. She was looking from a nice and rich family. “Who did you killed?” Well I asked her after taking a long pause because her first sentence was not really expected or if I talk frankly, I was lost in her beauty. “I have killed 3 people.” I was really surprised to hear that. A girl, so pretty, can kill 3 people and also committing it in front of police. The whole thing was a bit unusual for me.  “I have killed my Gardner, my driver and ……..” She paused a bit and started to sob. “And my mother.” She started crying hard. I gave her water and she started to take sip from
LAST HOLIDAY     On my last holiday my family and I went to Pangandaran, I went there with a car. My driver drove, it took eight or nine hours from Bandung to Pangandaran. We arrived at 15.40. We slept in  "Krisna Beach Hotel I" the hotel was cozy and nice. The hotel is across the beach, so if we want to go to the beach we just need to cross the road. When we arrived, my sister and I immediately went to the beach to take pictures. The beach was very crowded and noisy, there are people who are swimming, play the beach ball, and took the picture. At night my sister and I rent a bicycle to go around Pangandaran. we were very tired so we decided to return the bicycle and went to the hotel.      On the second day, me and my sister went to white sand beach for snorkeling. We went there by boat and do snorkeling. After we done we get back to the beach with a boat. When we get to the hotel, my sister took shower first while I waited in front of the room so the room not we